Estrategias lúdicas para la enseñanza de la programaciónun análisis comparativo de su eficacia en la Educación Superior
- Corsi, Diego Pablo
- Francisco Ignacio Revuelta Domínguez Director
- María Inmaculada Pedrera Rodríguez Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura
Fecha de defensa: 05 April 2019
- María Rosa Fernández Sánchez Chair
- Olga Moreno Fernández Secretary
- Pilar Moreno Crespo Committee member
Type: Thesis
Learning to program represents a great challenge for students taking courses where this subject is required and also for their teachers. Fortunately, there are innovative teaching practices that can pave the way. Certain “playful strategies”, such as Digital Game-Based Learning (in particular, “serious games”), the development of video games as an application of “constructionism” and, more recently, the “gamification” of learning, open up promising perspectives to increase student “motivation” and facilitate the acquisition of this subject’s concepts. This thesis’ main goal is to present an analysis of the effectiveness of the aforementioned playful strategies, which were implemented during the teaching of the subject “Programming II” from the program in Applied Computing at the National Higher Institute for Technical Teachers’ Education (“National Technological University”), a Higher Education institution located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The results of this research are intended to be a contribution to knowledge on the application of innovative teaching methods to meet current educational needs.