Assessing motivation and satisfaction in an emerging typology of sport tourism: paddle tennis

  1. Ramírez-Hurtado, José M.
  2. Paralera Morales, Concepción
Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal

ISSN: 2174-548X

Año de publicación: 2014

Número: 2

Páginas: 168-194

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal


This article aims to analyse two major research questions on paddle tennis as a new type of sports tourism. Using data collected through a survey of paddle tennis tourists playing in Islantilla (Spain), motivation and satisfaction characteristics were examined: (1) to identify the socioeconomic characteristics of paddle tennis tourists; (2) to identify reasons why tourists choose paddle tennis tourism, and (3) to measure the satisfaction achieved during the experience. The analysis of paddle tennis tourism enables their behaviour to be determined and information on the profile of this type of tourist to be ascertained, thereby allowing related companies, governments, tourism agents and managers to orientate their strategies in order to achieve considerable economic benefits.

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