Hist. Aug., Hadr. 13, 6: la consagración del templo de Zeus Olimpio. Adriano y la integración religiosa del Imperio

  1. Juan Manuel Cortes Copete
Arys: Antigüedad: religiones y sociedades

ISSN: 1575-166X

Year of publication: 2018


Issue: 16

Pages: 207-238

Type: Article

More publications in: Arys: Antigüedad: religiones y sociedades

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Hist. Aug., Hadr. 13, 6 is, together with Cass. Dio, LXIX 16, 1-2, the only literary evidence for Hadrian Eastern journey during years 128 y 134 AD. Hist. Aug., Hadr. 13, 6 relates briefly some of the crucial happenings which took place during the journey, such as the consecration of the temple of Zeus Olympios in Athens. The Historia Augusta appears to place the consecration during the year 128 AD, although the epigraphic evidence unquestionably dates it to 132 AD. Weber attempted to explain this discrepancy by means of a double ceremony, a dedicatio in 128 AD and the consecration in 132 AD. I have attempted to demonstrate how this interpretation, accepted as comunis opinio, is incorrect and that the religious ceremonies in the temple of Zeus Olympios took place in 132 AD. The HA tends to compress the narration and to use different terms, dedicatio and consecratio, due to the stylistic taste typical of IV century AD. An additional element in favour of this argumentation is the temple of Hadrian that was erected in Ephesos. Finally, the article stresses out the importance of the temple of Zeus Olympios due to the fact that with the ceremony of 132 AD the emperor reaches beyond the Roman religious soil and the non-religious provincial ones. The temple of Zeus Olympios, the first one to be consecrated by an emperor outside of Rome and within a free city, represented a unifying factor not only among the Greeks but also with the Roman citizens and the Eastern colonies.

Funding information

Este estudio se ha realizado dentro del proyecto “Adriano y la integración de la diversidad regional. Una perspectiva histórica e historiográfica” (HAR2015-65451-C2-1-P MINECO/FEDER).


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