Derechos humanos, trabajo social y sinhogarismo. Enfoque práctico desde un modelo participativocreativo en la ciudad de Sevilla

  1. Manuel Muñoz Bellerín
Revista de Derecho, Empresa y Sociedad (REDS)

ISSN: 2340-4647

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 11

Pages: 220-236

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Derecho, Empresa y Sociedad (REDS)

Sustainable development goals


For groups enrolled in phenomena of exclusion such as the homeless, abstraction of human rights is a handicap that further strengthens ostracism. Being a phenomenon that is present in modern societies, homelessness requires measures to support changes in attitudes and social relations, facing separation being discriminatory each other. Social work is a discipline based on the principles of human rights. Both its history, such as ethics and methodological approach, give it an important role in the practice of rights. A practice that goes through the establishment of participatory models involving victims. The theater has been a means used in social work from its modern beginnings. From experience with the homeless, in this article an example of social action is proposed from the interdisciplinary methodology of theater with social work. A methodology that is aimed at the identity recovery of subjects in the appropriation of human rights as a material object.