La doctrina de los actos propios y el Derecho RomanoUna propuesta de lectura de d. 1,7,25 pr. (ulp. 5 opin.)

  1. Bernardo Periñán Gómez
RIDROM: Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano

ISSN: 1989-1970

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 24

Pages: 1-40

Type: Article

More publications in: RIDROM: Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano


Among the different hypotheses about the origin of the doctrine of “one’s own acts”, very widespread in Western law through different means, It has to be underlined its connection with D. 1,7,25 pr. (Ulp. 5 opin.). In order to shed light on this possible connection, a global and comprehensive analysis of the passage is carried out