Navegación e historia de la cienciaLa vida a bordo: los hombres de la mar en el siglo XVI
- 1 Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta y Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. España
ISSN: 2529-850X
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Ausgabe: 5
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 347-358
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Journal of Negative and No Positive Results: JONNPR
The objective of this study was to synthesize the basic aspects of the Spanish sailors´ life on board in the 16th century. Given the time they used to spend sailing, the ship was the sailors´ main residence, a better or worse “house” depending on the range of the crew. But if life on board was hard, many of those sailors were in glory when compared with their hardships on land, at least they could eat on the ship. To many hours of work were palliated with some leisure based on games, some religious readings and sex on board, which they also had. Shipwrecks, fires, epidemics, battles and other diverse scares “entertained” the intrepid sailors, a sort of hustlers of the time. All this in the midst of unfortunate hygienic-sanitary conditions, which were not much worse than those offered on the mainland.
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