Differentiation of in vitro-modified human peripheral blood monocytes into hepatocyte-like and pancreatic islet-like cells

  1. Ruhnke, M.
  2. Ungefroren, H.
  3. Nussler, A.
  4. Martin, F.
  5. Brulport, M.
  6. Schormann, W.
  7. Hengstler, J.G.
  8. Klapper, W.
  9. Ulrichs, K.
  10. Hutchinson, J.A.
  11. Soria, B.
  12. Parwaresch, R.M.
  13. Heeckt, P.
  14. Kremer, B.
  15. Fändrich, F.

ISSN: 0016-5085

Argitalpen urtea: 2005

Alea: 128

Zenbakia: 7

Orrialdeak: 1774-1786

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1053/J.GASTRO.2005.03.029 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak