El amorduelo y encuentro en la poesía de Juan Antonio Massone
ISSN: 0716-5811, 0717-621X
Year of publication: 2006
Issue: 17
Pages: 167-193
Type: Article
More publications in: Literatura y lingüística
This work displays rich motives of amatory stages present in this poetic compilation of Juan Antonio Massone. The study obtains a detailed treatment filled with various shades, important and decisive factor in divers books of the author. The chapters are inscribed with the poets verses, and each one develops an essencial aspect of an affective aserption. From solitud to joy, never less than the meaning of company and orphanage, conforms a wide register of the lyric voice that in the dramatic interior of the present absence of love and in the unlimited anxiety of a perpetual encounter, confirms some outstanding characteristics that contrasts with the prevailing exterior in literature of these last decades
Bibliographic References
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