Diferencias de género en el acoso escolar:una mirada a las perspectivas de víctimas, acosadores y observadores
- María Ángeles García-Gil 1
- María-Inmaculada Pedrera Rodríguez 1
- Francisco Ignacio Revuelta-Domínguez 1
- Jorge Guerra-Antequera 1
Universidad de Extremadura
ISSN: 1130-5371
Ano de publicación: 2024
Número: 37
Páxinas: 59-73
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Qurriculum: Revista de Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa
Bullying is a serious psychosocial problem with negative consequences that affect both childhood and adolescence as well as adulthood. The present study with 300 secondary school students revealed a high incidence of physical, verbal social and coercive bullying. Victims experienced anxiety, depression, and self-esteem problems. It is crucial to implement prevention and intervention programs to address bullying and create a safe and healthy school environment.