Ocio y espectáculo en un mercado egipcio del siglo XIIIel teatro de sombras de Ibn Dāniyāl
- Ahmed SHAFIK 1
Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1133-8571
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 31
Pages: 85-104
Type: Article
More publications in: Al-Andalus Magreb: Estudios árabes e islámicos
The topic of entertainment and recreation during the Mameluk era is of utmost importance, since it is not only documented in historical chronicles but also in literary sources. Leisure activities became more varied than in any previous period of Egyptian history, ranging from exquisite horse sports to street performances, widely celebrated in the market squares of Cairo. Making use of some theoretical postulates of M. Bakhtin about medieval popular culture, the present work focuses on the study and translation of the episodes related to the manifestations of recreation in Ibn Dāniyāl's shadow theater. Among the conclusions we reached after analyzing these episodes, we must highlight the festive and carnival spirit that generally invades the scenes of Ibn Dāniyāl's work, infecting the characters, the plots, the language, etc. We must also point out here the notable polyphony of the work, which we can perceive in greater realism that characterizes the dialogue, in which each character speaks according to his condition and profession. This fact gives enormous vividness to the scenes presented to us
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