Martínez Ferrer
Researcher in the period 2009-2021
Musitu Ferrer
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Daniel Musitu Ferrer (5)
Forgiveness and Loneliness in Peer-Victimized Adolescents
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 36, Núm. 19-20, pp. 9648-9669
Suicidal Ideation, Psychological Distress and Child-To-Parent Violence: A Gender Analysis
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11
Comunidad, familia y escuela: implicaciones en el ajuste escolar y el rendimiento académico
Éxito educativo: claves de construcción y desarrollo (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 215-234
Family communication problems, psychosocial adjustment and cyberbullying
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16, Núm. 13
Parental socialization, school adjustment and cyber-aggression among adolescents
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16, Núm. 20