Publicaciones (38) Publicaciones de Javier Becerra Luna


  1. Preventive Conservation and Restoration Monitoring of Heritage Buildings Based on Fuzzy Logic

    International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Vol. 17, Núm. 7, pp. 1153-1170


  1. Assessment of nanoparticles/nanocomposites to inhibit micro-algal fouling on limestone façades

    Building Research and Information, Vol. 48, Núm. 2, pp. 180-190

  2. Comparison of the performance of a novel nanolime doped with ZnO quantum dots with common consolidants for historical carbonate stone buildings

    Applied Clay Science, Vol. 195

  3. Evaluation of silver nanoparticles effectiveness as biocide by multi-spectral imaging

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019

  4. Evaluation of silver nanoparticles effectiveness as biocide by multi-spectral imaging


  5. Evaluation of the penetration depth of nano-biocide treatments by LIBS

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019

  6. In situ study by XRF and LDV of mural paintings in Magdalena church (Seville, Spain)

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019

  7. Interlaboratory experience to evaluate the vulnerability of churches in Seville (Spain)

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019

  8. Mapeo de fluorescencia inducida por láser de pigmentos en murales secco pintados

    Ge-conservación, Núm. 17, pp. 233-250

  9. Multi-approach study applied to restoration monitoring of a 16th century wooden paste sculpture

    Crystals, Vol. 10, Núm. 8, pp. 1-14

  10. Non-destructive techniques applied to in situ study of maqsura at cordoba cathedral (Spain)

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019

  11. Non-destructive techniques applied to the study and diagnosis of ceramic and glazed terracotta tombs in omnium sanctorum church (Seville, Spain)

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019

  12. Presentación. Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología para la Conservación del Patrimonio Cultura

    Ge-conservación, Núm. 17, pp. 151-152

  13. Study of solvents and their implication in the in-depth penetration of nanolimes in different limestones

    Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage – Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019