Economía Financiera y Contabilidad
Publications (23) Publications in which a researcher has participated
Analyzing management control systems between principal owners of facilities and subsidiaries in the chemical industry
Processes, Vol. 9, Núm. 7
Applying wrapper-based variable selection techniques to predict MFIs profitability: evidence from Peru
Journal of Development Effectiveness, Vol. 13, Núm. 1, pp. 84-99
Business must go on: 175 years of an olive oil business beyond firms and families
Business History, Vol. 63, Núm. 3, pp. 421-442
Caution ahead! The long-term effects of initial export intensity and geographic dispersion on INV development
Journal of World Business, Vol. 56, Núm. 6
Changes to the regulation and the declaration of unfair terms in mortgage agreements: an event study approach to the Spanish Banking Industry
European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 51, Núm. 1, pp. 157-181
Citizen reactions to municipalities’ Instagram communication
Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 38, Núm. 3
Desarrollo metodológico para la optimización del coste eléctrico en fábricas de cemento, mediante inteligencia artificial, operando sobre coste eléctrico del mercado
Dirección y organización: Revista de dirección, organización y administración de empresas, Núm. 74, pp. 5-19
El emprendimiento ilustrado institucional en el virreinato de Nueva Granada 1767-1789. La administración de las temporalidades y la reforma universitaria. Tesis de la autora Carolina Tovar Torres
De Computis: Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad, Vol. 18, Núm. 2, pp. 164-165
Ethics and social responsibility in family firms. Research domain and future research trends from a bibliometric perspective
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 24
Exploring the inclusion of sustainability into strategy and management control systems in peruvian manufacturing enterprises
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 9
Female leadership and bank performance in Latin America
Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 48
Financial institutions’ risk profile and contribution to the sustainable development goals
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 14
How do country R&D change the allocation of self-employment across different types?
Small Business Economics, Vol. 56, Núm. 2, pp. 695-721
Modeling of the bitcoin volatility through key financial environment variables: An application of conditional correlation mgarch models
Mathematics, Vol. 9, Núm. 3, pp. 1-16
Post-COVID-19 SME financing constraints and the credit guarantee scheme solution in Spain
Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 22, Núm. 3, pp. 250-260
Reacting to a Generalised Crisis. A Theoretical Approach to the Consumption of Slack Resources in Family Firms
European Journal of Family Business, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 100-110
Revisiting the boundaries of the sacred: guilds and brotherhoods’ accounting in the last decade of the 16th century
De Computis: Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad, Vol. 18, Núm. 1, pp. 55-73
Secured Debt, Agency Problems, and the Classic Model of the Firm
Quarterly Journal of Finance, Vol. 11, Núm. 3
Sustainability of Spanish tourism start-ups in the face of an economic crisis
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 4, pp. 1-15
The dynamic slack-performance relationship from an efficiency perspective
Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 42, Núm. 4, pp. 850-862