Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Patricia Ybot González (18)


  1. Impact of maternal dietary supplementation in the prevention of neuropediatric diseases

    Biosaia: Revista de los másteres de Biotecnología Sanitaria y Biotecnología Ambiental, Industrial y Alimentaria, Núm. 8

  2. The interaction of maternal diabetes with mutations that affect folate metabolism and how they affect the development of neural tube defects in mice

    Developmental Dynamics, Vol. 248, Núm. 10, pp. 900-917


  1. Intracellular cholesterol accumulation and coenzyme Q10 deficiency in Familial Hypercholesterolemia

    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, Vol. 1864, Núm. 12, pp. 3697-3713

  2. Possible preventive effect of inositol in folate- resistant spina bifida occulta mouse model

    Biosaia: Revista de los másteres de Biotecnología Sanitaria y Biotecnología Ambiental, Industrial y Alimentaria, Núm. 7

  3. The non-canonical Wnt-PCP pathway shapes the mouse caudal neural plate

    Development (Cambridge), Vol. 145, Núm. 9

  4. Therapy with coenzyme Q10

    Coenzyme Q10: Uses, Health Effects and Role in Disease (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 1-63


  1. Characterization of a Fetal Liver Cell Population Endowed with Long-Term Multiorgan Endothelial Reconstitution Potential

    Stem Cells, Vol. 35, Núm. 2, pp. 507-521

  2. Dynamic reorganization of the cytoskeleton during apoptosis: The two coffins hypothesis

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 18, Núm. 11

  3. Implication of the non-canonical Wnt pathway in neural tube defects

    Biosaia: Revista de los másteres de Biotecnología Sanitaria y Biotecnología Ambiental, Industrial y Alimentaria, Núm. 6


  1. AMPK as a target in rare diseases

    Current Drug Targets, Vol. 17, Núm. 8, pp. 921-931


  1. Estudio de la interacción de dos factores, genético y ambiental, durante el desarrollo embrionario en ratón

    Biosaia: Revista de los másteres de Biotecnología Sanitaria y Biotecnología Ambiental, Industrial y Alimentaria, Núm. 1

  2. Laminin and integrin expression in the ventral ectodermal ridge of the mouse embryo: Implications for regulation of BMP signalling

    Developmental Dynamics, Vol. 241, Núm. 11, pp. 1808-1815

  3. Recovery of MERRF Fibroblasts and Cybrids Pathophysiology by Coenzyme Q10

    Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 9, Núm. 2, pp. 446-463