Book chapters (85) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. "Dios te acave y a nosotros nos libre de ti y del mal, amen": Religión y tiranicidio republicano entre Inglaterra y la Monarquía Hispánica

    Republicas y republicanismo en la Europa moderna (siglos XVI-XVIII) (Fondo de Cultura Económica (México)), pp. 459-483

  2. "No siendo lo mismo echarse al mar, que es lugar de libertad plena". Cimarronaje marítimo y política trans-imperial en el Caribe español, 1687-1804

    Esclavitud y diferencia racial en el Caribe hispano (Doce Calles), pp. 43-70

  3. "Obras son amores y no buenas razones". Corrupción, conflictos y redes en el Catastro de Ensenada

    Estudios sobre la corrupción en España y Amércia (siglos XVI - XVIII) (Universidad de Almería), pp. 289-302

  4. ...Y al final... el altar... Murillo por encima del hombre y del artista... de la leyenda al mito...

    Cartografía murillesca: los pasos contados (Los autores), pp. 270-276

  5. 1. The business relations, identities and political resources of Italian merchants in the early-modern Spanish monarchy: some introductory remarks

    Italian merchants in the early-modern Spanish monarchy: business relations, identities and political resources (Routledge Reino Unido)

  6. Actividad Arqueológica Preventiva en la calle Arco de Belén nº 5 de Écija

    Anuario Arqueológico de Andalucía 2008 (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura), pp. 4.786-4.800

  7. Al-Andalus: emirato, califato, taifas e invasiones magrebíes

    Fundamentos de Historia: Historia antigua y medieval de España (Sevilla: Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías (SAV), Universidad de Sevilla, 2017), pp. 206-245

  8. Aristocratic women across borders, cultural transfers and something more. Why should we care?

    Early Modern Dynastic Marriages and Cultural Transfer (Taylor and Francis), pp. 237-258

  9. Catholicism and Citizenship Under the Franco Dictatorship

    Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 19-41

  10. Citizen Building During the Spanish Transition to Democracy: Between the Spanish Debate and the Social Movements Debate

    Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 125-139

  11. Citizenship and Democracy in the Spanish Countryside

    Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 97-123

  12. Classicismo, tradizione imperiale e innovazioni negli ordini architettonici a Villa Adriana

    Decor. Decorazione e architettura nel mondo romano. Atti del Convegno, Roma 21-24 maggio 2014. Thiasos Monografie 9 (Quasar), pp. 599-610

  13. Communication Between Sanctuaries and Rulers: an Analysis of Religious Resistance to Roman Abuses in the Greek East During the Roman Republic

    Empire and Religion: Religious Change in Greek Cities under Roman Rule (Brill), pp. 67-83

  14. Communication between sanctuaries and rulers: An analysis of religious resistance to Roman abuses in the Greek east during the Roman Republic

    Impact of Empire (Brill Academic Publishers), pp. 67-83

  15. Concept and methods

    Energy in Agroecosystems: A Tool for Assessing Sustainability (CRC Press), pp. 1

  16. Connectors, networks and commercial systems Approaches to the study of early modern maritime commercial history


  17. Consideraciones sobre el homosexualismo en el anarquismo español de los años 30

    Republicanismo en España: cultura, política e ideologías (Diputación de Córdoba), pp. 207-224

  18. Continuity and change in Spanish-Dutch relations between Westphalia (1648) and Utrecht (1714)

    New Worlds?: Transformations in the Culture of International Relations Around the Peace of Utrecht (Taylor and Francis), pp. 58-78

  19. Dal progetto alla realizzazione: alcune osservazioni sui tracciati di posizionamento e di lavorazione dall'area del Foro Provinciale di Tarraco

    Decor. Decorazione e architettura nel mondo romano. Atti del Convegno, Roma 21-24 maggio 2014. Thiasos Monografie 9 (Quasar), pp. 717-733

  20. De Sevilla a un mundo soñado: Murillo en el escenario americano

    Cartografía murillesca: los pasos contados (Los autores), pp. 160-195