Book chapters (6) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Crisis fiscal y mercado de tierras: A propósito de la desamortización de Godoy en Andalucía

    Antiguo Régimen y liberalismo: Homenaje a Miguel Artola (UAM Ediciones), pp. 199-222

  2. Los orígenes del nacionalismo andaluz

    IIIes. Jornades de debat. Orígens i formació dels nacionalismes a Espanya (Centre de Lectura de Reus)

  3. Seigneurial Economies in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Spain. Economic Rationality or Political and Social Management?

    Entrepreneurship and the transformation of the economy: (10th-20th centuies): essays in honour of Herman van der Wee (Leuven University Press), pp. 173-182

  4. Spain and the seventeenth-century crisis in Europe: some final considerations

    The Castilian crisis of the seventeenth century: new perspectives on the economic and social history of seventeenth-century Spain (Cambridge University Press), pp. 301-321

  5. The Castilian aristocarcy in the seventeenth century: crisis, refeudalisation, or political offensive

    The Castilian crisis of the seventeenth century: new perspectives on the economic and social history of seventeenth-century Spain (Cambridge University Press), pp. 277-300

  6. Tópicos literarios y realidad histórica: la constitución mixta según E. Aristides

    Un periplo de cinco años, miscelánea de estudios sobre la antigüedad (Kolaios), pp. 115-126