Arqueología de los espacios domésticosla meseta nordeste entre el final de la edad de hierro y el bajo imperio

  1. Bermejo Tirado, Jesus
Dirixida por:
  1. José María Luzón Nogué Director
  2. Guadalupe López Monteagudo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 de xuño de 2011

  1. Alfredo Jimeno Martínez Presidente/a
  2. Santiago Montero Herrero Secretario/a
  3. María Luz Neira Jiménez Vogal
  4. María Mariné Isidro Vogal
  5. Carlos Jorge Gonçalves Soares Fabião Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 113453 DIALNET


Abstract: The main target of the work is to analyze historical and archaeologically the households and the habitation ways developed by human beings and social groups of NE Meseta from Late Iron Age to Late Roman Empire. The study of domestic spaces is faced from diverse historiographical approaches. These perspectives are different from the usually adopted by the scholarship of the historical period in the area.