Tratamiento de la educación para el consumo en el alumnado de 10 a 16 años escolarizado en centros educativos de la comunidad autónoma de Extremadura

Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Á. Martín Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 29 September 2017

  1. Tamar Rachel Groves Chair
  2. Francisco Javier Pericacho Gómez Secretary
  3. Pilar Moreno Crespo Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research was carried out with the purpose of knowing the treatment given to Consumer Education in students aged 10 to 16 enrolled in educational centres of the Autonomous Region of Extremadura. It was analysed how this already stated education is contemplated within the current educational system and the influence of family job situation acquiring goods and the development of responsible consumption patterns and behaviours were analysed. Then the knowledge and behaviour were analysed the students and also their main habits of leisure and free time were taken in mind in relation to the use of Information and Communication Technologies. This research was developed inside the analytical empirical paradigm, descriptive cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire was started up. The sample, chosen by means of a non-probabilistic sample for convenience, was finally formed by 53 teachers and 856 students. After the corresponding theoretical revision and the analysis of the data, it could was concluded that there is an inconsistency between the theoretical-political discourse given about Consumer Education and the reality of the educational practice in educative. It was also found that those families in an unemployed situation have less material goods, although it could not was affirmed that these same families have more responsible consumption habits that those in a more favourable economic situation. The same way it happened when contrasting the consumption habits of students whose families are in an unemployed situation with respect to the consumption habits of the students with a family in a more relaxed economic situation.