España y Chile: articulación de una historia antidemocrática en el siglo XXRefundación de las bases del Estado Nacional durante el franquismo y el pinochetismo

  1. Aedo Vásquez, Sergio Andrés
  1. Julián Chaves Palacios Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 04

  1. Fernando Sánchez Marroyo Presidentea
  2. José Ángel Camisón Yagüe Idazkaria
  3. Manuel Torres Aguilar Kidea
  4. Fernando López Mora Kidea
  5. Juan Carlos Pereira Castañares Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 402969 DIALNET


Dictatorial processes that took place in Chile and Spain in the 20th century, are undoubtedly subject of analysis and reflection today. The characteristics and similarities that surrounded its positioning in power, still attract attention: coups, override of the constitutionality, political revolution and systematic violation of human rights, among others. The figures are eloquent in this sense: one hundred fifty thousand killed in a civil war and dictatorship that bled Spain, and a currently endorsed fifteen thousand dead figure in Chile, for one of the most repressive dictatorships in which Latin America has been involved. In this sense, the abortion of the democratic system that processes both Republicans attended, did not seem to be aimed at the restoration of an alleged loss legality, but rather, to the rebuilding of the foundations of the state, and thus the entire network policy that emerges from such action to establish and remain in power. On this fact, the political role assumed by the armed forces of both countries, will be completely defining, to reveal themselves as guarantors of conducting a process of underground politics, which exposed to a critical juncture, they emerged as the political conflict adjudicative bodies, unveiling in it, a common imaginary, in which the liberal politics alternative, will not have room for development, at least not until the new constitutional design, was able to receive the democratic opening again .