Aportaciones para la elaboración de sistemas de autoevaluación de competencias del Título de Grado de Primaria.

  1. Revuelta Domínguez, Francisco Ignacio
  2. Rosado Castela, Francisco Javier
  3. Rubio González, Gloria María
REDEX. Revista de educación de Extremadura

ISSN: 2173-9536

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 1

Pages: 97-125

Type: Article

More publications in: REDEX. Revista de educación de Extremadura


The competency assessment system for each academic degrees from universities that make up the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) must evolve to new horizons. Among other lines of work include the great contribution which is accompanied by a self-referential system of evaluation of competence. It is interesting to involve students in the possibilities for learning involves explicit degree of acquisition of competence. Both the teacher and student share the same meaning and see evaluation as something very positive. This project is a contribution on this evaluation system should be decided by the team coordinator of the subjects in the curriculum and to accommodate self-evaluation system by students.