Ocio saludable, funcionamiento familiar, actitud hacia la autoridad y consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia

  1. del Moral Arroyo, Gonzalo
  2. Suárez Relinque, Cristian
  3. Martínez Ferrer, Belén
  4. Moreno Ruiz, David
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 42

Pages: 29-45

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de drogodependencias


The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between adolescent participation in behaviors of healthy leisure with family and friends, family functioning, attitude towards institutional authority and alcohol consumption by gender in a sample of adolescents. 536 adolescents of both sexes (50.7% boys and 47.2% girls), aged 12-19 years (M = 14.86 years, SD = 3.47) from 6 secondary schools in Seville (Spain) participated in the study. Structural equation model for the analysis of the data was calculated. It was found that involvement in leisure healthy behaviors with family and friends is directly related to lower alcohol consumption in adolescents and indirectly through their relationships with family functioning and attitude towards institutional authority. No gender differences were obtained.

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