Genéro y ciudadaníaejes de transferencia de conocimiento allende los mares (Europa y Latinoamérica)

  1. Monreal-Gimeno, Carmen
  2. Terrón-Caro, María Teresa
  3. Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Rocío
Aportaciones a la investigación sobre mujeres y género: V Congreso Universitario Internacional "Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 3 y 4 de julio de 2014
  1. Casado Mejía, Rosa (coord.)
  2. Flecha García, Consuelo (coord.)
  3. Guil Bozal, Ana (coord.)
  4. Padilla-Carmona, M. Teresa (coord.)
  5. Vázquez Bermúdez, Isabel (coord.)
  6. Martínez Torres, María del Rocío (coord.)

Publisher: Sevilla : SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres de la Univesidad de Sevilla), 2015

ISBN: 9788494312038

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 152-162

Type: Book chapter


The project presented here belongs to the People Programme of the European Union , IRSES , on e of the Marie Curie Actions within the Seventh Framework Programme ( FP7/2007 - 2013/under great agreement 318960 ) . Their goal is to create an international scientific network in order to promote gender studies, hence from the project study and analyze th e different facets in which gender relations hips are presented in different situations in different countries. Achieving citizenship rights for women has been held for more than two centuries but we are still far from achieving the desired equality in rel ationships between men and women and even more and more countries reflected in law equal political, civil, economic, etc. . rights, do not stop to see how reality is manifested with a different face to the legal. These considerations led us to a group of t eachers from Europe and Latin America , to think about the importance of a constant transfer of research, courses etc.. , so that this constant exchange stimulate s new insights and advances in the understanding of this subject "Gender and citizenship. " Hen ce the idea for this project that serves as a space communications network.