El amor en las relaciones paterno-filialesdesarrollo personal y vínculo afectivo de niños y niñas en situación de riesgo con medidas de preservación familiar

Supervised by:
  1. Virginia Carrero Planes Director
  2. Antoni Vaquer Chiva Co-director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 30 June 2017

  1. Francisco Juan García Bacete Chair
  2. Gonzalo Musitu Ochoa Secretary
  3. María Luisa Máiquez Chaves Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 481301 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Amongst all the perils children can face, growing up without love and affection is a major one. This affective pillar must be primarily built by the parents. Those parents who experienced an emotional vacuum in regard to their own child-parent bond will encounter problems; both to exercise parenthood, and to help their children discover love. The symptoms expressed by these children translate into a risk of social exclusion and affect their development, thus leading to a detachment process from the family system. Day care centres become a family support tool that must encourage the renewal of child-parent bonds from an emotional basis which fosters love. The main and most important purpose of this study is to elaborate a theory through qualitative methodology (Grounded Theory), which will argue how the development of the child and its ´identity´, when finding itself in a position of social vulnerability or risk of social exclusion within its family context, can be strengthened thanks to partial parenthood support tools, namely day care centres.