Hábitos de compra y calidad de servicio (una aplicación en establecimientos de alimentación mediante diseño de encuesta)

  1. Pascual Soler, Marcos
Dirixida por:
  1. Juan Pascual Llobell Director
  2. María Dolores Frías Navarro Director

Universidade de defensa: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 13 de xuño de 2005

  1. Jesús Fermín Rosel Remírez Presidente/a
  2. Héctor Monterde Bort Secretario/a
  3. Gonzalo Musitu Ochoa Vogal
  4. Jaume Arnau Gras Vogal
  5. José Fernando García Pérez Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 103183 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The aim of this thesis is to study consumer behaviour in the context of supermarket distribution. We specifically analyse the relationship that exists between quality service and the preference of retailer. Once the need of knowing is set up, we define the main conclusions assumes as valid in the concrete context where area of knowledge is located. With this purpose we review the psychological literature surrounding the quality service and its different applications in the context where this essay is focused. After that we improve this information carrying out qualitative data obtained by focus group and also we elaborate the research hypothesis. The fieldwork is made using CATI system (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing). The essay development let us make a measurement scale of quality service adapted on the context where the research is developed. This scale is based on four criterion (Price, Product, Perishable Products, and also Service and Image). We have also checked that focus group discussion allows establishing conclusions and models to contrast with statistical data surveys. Based on our experience we can outline that CATI system is an efficient technique if we compare the effort with results obtained. In addition to this, these results allow us to indicate that the preference of retailer can be predicted appraising the nearness perceived and also the global rate for each supermarket. At the same time we determine that the global rate for each retailer is strongly connected with the evaluation of each quality service criterion.