Estudio del poblamiento celtibéricoArévaco, Los Castillejos de Pelegrina, Sigüenza. De los orígenes a la romanización

  1. Talavera Costa, Julián
Supervised by:
  1. María Paz García-Gelabert Pérez Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 02 April 2004

  1. Martín Almagro Gorbea Chair
  2. Juan Manuel Abascal Palazón Secretary
  3. Francisco Beltrán Lloris Committee member
  4. Francisco Javier Fernández Nieto Committee member
  5. Guadalupe López Monteagudo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 89462 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The Castillejos of Pelegrina hillfort it is an example of settlement of long occupation. Its beginning is located around the VII century B.C. At this time a rectangular housing appears. All ceramic pieces arent turn. So we design this moment Protoceltiberian. The secondary of the occupations happens between the VI-V centuries B.C., where the ceramic to lathe begin to have importance, although it is sure that the great majority of them should be classified as iberian imports. During this Old Celtiberian are built the first of the ramparts, that it surrounds the hill along the south side. Its characterized for the irregular look of their blocks of stone. Also they in this period are begun to locate the first iron scums. The third moment of the life of the inhabited is characterized by the presence of a rampart of big stones, or of gigantic type. It has must associate the presence of a present turret in the oriental zone of the hill. Now most they of the ceramic are lathed. From the economical point of view significant change in the courages of the cattles species are observed. The last phase of the inhabited should locate around the III-II century B.C., according to inferred by the ceramic remainders found on the road of access to the inhabited. We defend the depletion of the model of life of the hillforts more for the own dynamic internal, that not for the Roman presence in the zone of Sigüenza, although it is sure that this could mean the acceleration of the end of good part of the indigenous inhabited.