Expectations as the basis for predictive segmentation of university service quality

  1. Fuentes Blasco, María
  2. Gil Saura, Irene
  3. Berenguer Contrí, Gloria
  4. Moliner Velázquez, Beatriz
Revista internacional de marketing público y no lucrativo = International review on public and non profit marketing

ISSN: 1812-0970

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 4

Issue: 1-2

Pages: 47-64

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista internacional de marketing público y no lucrativo = International review on public and non profit marketing

Sustainable development goals


In the service sector in general and in the increasingly competitive area of education in particular, it is now being suggested that supply must be as closely adapted to the market as possible. The design of such strategies must be based on recognition and understanding of different market demands and needs. This work emphasises the use of student expectations as a subjective criteria to identify variety of demand in the context of university teaching. We offer proposals on the best way of evaluating the expectation concept based on the different approaches in the 1 iterature and we show how they can be used to analyse the different groups of students studied explaining the essential attributes for achieving the degree of service quality perceived by each group.