El derecho a la vida y la biomedicinaanálisis del comienzo de la vida en el derecho comparado español y mexicano

Supervised by:
  1. Juan Jesús Mora Molina Director

Defence university: Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Fecha de defensa: 15 May 2008

  1. Ramón Luis Soriano Díaz Chair
  2. Fernando León Jiménez Secretary
  3. Enrique F. Bocardo Crespo Committee member
  4. Antonio Ruiz de la Cuesta Committee member
  5. David Sánchez Rubio Committee member
  1. Derecho Público

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 159502 DIALNET


ABSTRACT THE RIGHT TO LIFE AT THE NEW BIOMEDICINE Analysis of prenatal life Compared to the Spanish and Mexican law The present investigation concerns the Human Right to prenatal life, violated by the application of biomedicine is not legally regulated. The study is divided into four parts: the first is a historical sketch of Human Rights, in particular the Right to Life, in the context of bioethics, biomedicine and eugenics. The second part deals with the juridification the right to life as a value, its legal nature, its links with the fundamental rights and its relationship to other life sciences. The third part examines the various frameworks of the right to life at the international and comparative law and Mexican-Spanish. The fourth part makes specific reference to the problems affecting the start of human life and development. At this stage, also called prenatal stage, facing the bioethical and legal conflicts in the following cases: 1)creation and manipulation of embryos in vitro, 2) human cloning; 3) the use of stem cells, gene therapy research. It also raised in this quarter, the debate on the bioethical and legal abortion, particularly abortion eugenics. Our contribution is the proposal for constitutional and legislative reform to protect adequately human life, including prenatal. Also proposed is the task of education university biojurídica.