Discusion crítica sobre valoración y revelación contable de “los derechos de traspaso” de los jugadores profesionales en las S.A.D. clubes de futbol

  1. Martín Lozano, Francisco Javier
Supervised by:
  1. Amalia Carrasco Gallego Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 22 January 2016

  1. Vicente Evelio Condor López Chair
  2. José Luis Galán González Secretary
  3. Lázaro Rodríguez Ariza Committee member
  4. Joaquina Laffarga Briones Committee member
  5. Leandro Cañibano Calvo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 396912 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


We have conducted a research work consisting, in the first place, of a descriptive Case Study and secondly of interviews with professionals. With the case study, using a documentary prior study and primary data and information from public annual reports and other private reports, we try Findings show also that Soccer Clubs PLC use extra accounting market estimates of these assets in order to guarantee or ensure some economical and financial transactions, since their accounting values are not considered to be reliable by third parties involved. In order to complete the case study and enhance validity, an analysis of the extra accounting valuations has also been realized to assess their predictive level, and, on the other hand, interviews with professionals experts in soccer clubs accounting have been conducted and used to explore the opinion on how clubs account for and disclose information about players´ registration rights, which have provided valuable insights to the debate on our proposals, evidencing the reasonable possibility of applying an objective and reliable valuation technique to measure and reasonably predict the market price of “Transfer Fees” of all the players who comprise the squad of the Soccer clubs at year end. Under our opinion, the International Accounting Standards adopted by the European Union, according to the underlying principles on which they are based, as well as the derived national accounting standards of all the European countries, should allow the possibility to amend this kind of lack of transparency generated by inadequacies of the accounting standards in the referred matter, and therefore should accept the proposed feasible Valuation System or technique, since it complies with the requirements of the “Fair Value” concept. They should admit the incorporation of the valuation of the “soccer players’ transfer fees” sporting intangible Asset, made by this technique to their Annual Reports the way of disclosure we propose, in order to reach the accounting currently questioned goal of “true and fair view” and enhance consequently the Transparency of financial information in these companies. Under our opinion, the International Accounting Standards, according to the underlying principles on which they are based, as well as the derived accounting standards of all the European countries should accept that proposed feasible Valuation Model, since it complies with the requirements of the “Fair Value” concept and, therefore, they should allow incorporate the valuation of the “soccer players’ transfer fees” made by this model to their Annual Reports the way of disclosure we propose, in order to reach the accounting currently questioned goal of “true and fair view” and enhance consequently the Transparency of financial information in these companies.