Obtención de pasta celulósica a partir de madera procedente de la poda de encina (Quercus ilex L.)

  1. Alaejos Gutiérrez, Joaquín
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco López Baldovín Director
  2. Ildefonso Pérez Ot Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 24 April 2003

  1. Luis Jiménez Alcaide Chair
  2. Manuel Fernández Martínez Secretary
  3. José Luis Ferrer Harranz Committee member
  4. Francisco Rodríguez Somolinos Committee member
  5. María Eugenia Eugenio Martín Committee member

Type: Thesis


The thesis proposes the use of holm oak trimmings to obtain cellulose pulp and paper processes throuhg the soda with anthraquinone, kraft and organosolv using ethylene glycol as solvent. Within the memory includes an exhaustive review of non-wood materials used so far to obtain cellulose pulp. In each of the methods tested is applied a central composition design from which we determine the ranges of cooking processing variables (temperature, time and concentration of alkali or solvent). From them we obtain the optimal values of the properties of the pulp and paper sheets. Several bleaching tests were also made. In the same were obtained degrees of brightness similar to those of commercial pastes of other timber materials.