Intervención arqueológica de urgencia en un inmueble sito en Calle Julio César Número 14 esquina a Calle Canalejas de Sevilla

  1. Carrasco Gómez, Inmaculada
  2. Vera Cruz, Elena
Anuario arqueológico de Andalucía 1998

Publisher: Consejería de Cultura ; Junta de Andalucía

ISBN: 84-8266-241-4

Year of publication: 2001

Volume Title: Actividades de urgencia

Tome: 2

Volume: 3

Pages: 697-705

Type: Book chapter


In this paper we intend to inform of the results achieved after the urgent archaeological intervention taken place at the referred site. During the same, we have been able to document part of the architectural structures belonging to the defense system of the city along it’s riverside stretch. These elements consist of a length of wall with an attached masive tower and a length of the barbacan running paralel to the wall. Also, we have detected the period when the barbacan was filled over and lost it’s defensive character, serving then as a protection against the river floods