Mujeres inmigrantes en el escenario escolarvisibilidad y participación para la igualdad de género desde una perspectiva inclusiva e intercultural

  1. Leiva Olivencia, Juan José
  2. Pedrero-García, Encarnación
Aportaciones a la investigación sobre mujeres y género: V Congreso Universitario Internacional "Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 3 y 4 de julio de 2014
  1. Casado Mejía, Rosa (coord.)
  2. Flecha García, Consuelo (coord.)
  3. Guil Bozal, Ana (coord.)
  4. Padilla-Carmona, M. Teresa (coord.)
  5. Vázquez Bermúdez, Isabel (coord.)
  6. Martínez Torres, María del Rocío (coord.)

Verlag: Sevilla : SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres de la Univesidad de Sevilla), 2015

ISBN: 9788494312038

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Seiten: 978-996

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The present work aims to raise critically and inquire into the need to build an intercultural pedagogical perspective in the school context from the perspective of gender based on the visibility and active presence of women and mothers of immigrant school. Indeed, from the impressions, reflections and educational conceptions of a teacher, Director of a school, as well as intercultural mediators working in a public educational school for pre-school and primary education of Malaga investigate possibilities and initiatives that are developed in its center to transform and improve school coexistence from an intercultural perspective and genderattending especially to the assessment that has this teaching about the participation of immigrant mothers in his school as an engine of change, innovation and educational and community revitalization.