Multinacionales, atraso tecnológico y marco institucional.las nacionalizaciones de empresas extranjeras durante la autarquía franquista

  1. Gálvez Muñoz, Lina
  2. Comín Comín, Francisco
Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa

ISSN: 1138-5758

Argitalpen urtea: 2003

Zenbakia: 17

Orrialdeak: 139-179

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa


This article deals with FDI continuity in Spain during the Early Franco's regime, when an autarkic economic model was proved, increasing the risk-country for foreign firms. Some of them were even nationalized or passed on to private Spanish ownership. These nationalizations are analysed within the rise of State-owned companies in Europe after WWII. As a matter of fact, they cannot be understood as the main specific figure of the evolution of business during Franco's regime. Other aspects, such as the development cartels within some economic sectors or the increasing arbitrary measures in economic policy decision making which resulted in a decrease in competence as a typical effect of the non-competitive rules of the game within an authoritarian political regime. A historical analysis is needed in order to understand the slow but satisfactory evolution of the IDP in Spain, passing from a net host economy to be a home economy of several multinational enterprises