Efecto de un periodo de sobrecarga de entrenamiento de dos semanas sobre la precisión en el golpeo en tenistas jóvenes
- Moya Ramon, Manuel
- Bonete Torralba, Eugenio
- Santos-Rosa Ruano, Francisco Javier
ISSN: 0214-0071, 2386-4095
Year of publication: 2010
Issue: 24
Pages: 77-93
Type: Article
More publications in: European Journal of Human Movement
The aim of this study was to test the effect of a physical training period of 11 weeks, which included two weeks of overreaching on changes in stroke precision of young players. 16 players (5 females and 11 males) were studied over 11 weeks, in which a follow-up of training load and performance were carried out. The results indicate that short overreaching periods did not worsen the stroke precision as a measure of tennis players� performance, and it seems indicate this variable depends on the use of more specific training.
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