Profesionales frente a la intervención participativa. Comunicación y dimensión subjetiva
ISSN: 0214-7564, 2340-2792
Datum der Publikation: 2012
Nummer: 28
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Gazeta de antropología
Studies that analyse the attitude of professionals when faced with participatory intervention tend to focus on the relationships of power that frame the entire social-intervention process. The research context was a public intervention plan implemented in 16 towns of an Andalusian province, which aims to develop participatory forms of social intervention. In this context the following aspects were studied: 1) the discursive constructions of professionals in relation to participatory intervention; 2) the way in which professionals and residents represent the target intervention contexts discursively; and 3) the specific proposals of intervention made by professionals and residents. Analysis reveals the need to develop a broader theoretical/analytical framework for the understanding of participatory intervention: its conditions, consequences, catalysts and blocking factors.
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