Calidad de vida percibida y su relación con la práctica de actividad física en el ámbito laboral. Un estudio pilotoP
- Martínez San Esteban, Joaquín
- Calvo Lluch, África
ISSN: 1579-1726, 1988-2041
Année de publication: 2014
Número: 25
Pages: 53-57
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación
The aim of this study is to identify the correlation between perceived quality of life regarding health and the regular practice of physical exercise, in a group of public sector workers. Method: A total of 125 workers from the Seville Council Health Service completed the SF-36 version 2 AGUDA health survey, in order to rate their quality of life regarding health in the work sphere, along with a general question survey indicating the type and frequency of the physical activity they do. Results: In all parts of the survey the state of health falls within the average range, the highest scores being those of physical function and vitality. Conclusion: The workers who do no physical exercise have a worse perception of their health, at least compared with that of last year, while those who do regular physical activity score more positive results concerning their perception of their quality of life in terms of health.
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