Segmentación de usuarios de servicios deportivos

  1. Nuviala Nuviala, Román
  2. Teva Villén, María Rosario
  3. Pérez Ordás, Raquel
  4. Grao Cruces, Alberto
  5. Tamayo Fajardo, Javier Antonio
  6. Nuviala Nuviala, Alberto
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Año de publicación: 2014

Número: 25

Páginas: 90-94

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


The number of physical activity practitioners increases. The amount of customers on sport centres is thus reinforced. Knowing the reasons of sport practise is a must for these centres. The aim of this research is knowing the reasons of sport practise and setting up a group of users from their motivations. The sample on this article has been a total of 2,707 users of sport services in Andalusia, from which 66.10% were male and 33.90% female, with an average age of 25.29 ± 12.83. The tool used was the MPAM-R scale adapted and validated in Spanish. A two-step conglomerate analysis was made, this technique seeks to set up groups trying to get the maximum homogeneity inside each group and the maximum differences among them. It has been found two different groups of users. The most relevant factors to set up the groups have been Competence, Joy and Fitness/Health. Group 1 is characterized by being made up of men, with a lower middle age who practise collective and individual sports. Group 2 includes a higher percentage of women, middle age people, who practise activities related to fitness and racket sports, being members of private centers

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