15 años del Máster de Gerontologíauna visión educativa para el envejecimiento saludable
- Evaristo Barrera-Algarín 1
- José Luís Sarasola-Sánchez-Serrano 1
- María del Castillo Gallardo-Fernández 1
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 2386-4303
Any de publicació: 2017
Número: 8
Pàgines: 38-59
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation
This article’s goal is an analysis of the evolution of training in gerontology through the Masters in Gerontology and Gerontological Management and Management Centers coming instructing professionals and researchers over 15 years. The success of this training due to population aging related to our society, to justify and call the training of professionals and scientists in the field of gerontology and professions and scientific fields that elements included therein. Methodology: Based on the analysis of data obtained by different studies and databases that monitor the evolution of the master we can demonstrate the validity and excellence of this training throughout the years of the master are exposed. Main results: training is well established in the gerontological field nationwide with a high national prestige; Master highly demanded as first choice and well above the places available; It is to be realized mainly by "vocation" for "curriculum" for their "job opportunities" and "improvement of knowledge and technical skills" that can provide; academic indicators with a high grade of excellence; a teaching staff of high quality, with a strong participation of experts and professionals in continuous innovation; conducting high-level practices; demonstrated high employability; and high levels of satisfaction of all groups involved.
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