Segmentación laboral y análisis de clusters con datos individualesuna aplicación al mercado de trabajo andaluz

  1. Pablo Álvarez de Toledo
  2. Fernando Núñez
  3. Carlos Usabiaga
Documentos de trabajo ( Centro de Estudios Andaluces )

Year of publication: 2012

Series: 1

Issue: 3

Pages: 1-48

Type: Working paper


This paper addresses the application of a cluster methodology to the available information on labor placements registered in the Andalusian public employment offices (Andalusian Employment Service, SAE) between January 2007 and December 2010. This methodology allows us to divide the labor market in clusters (or homogeneous local labor markets) by pooling labor segments defined by the municipality, group of occupation and sector of activity for both the vacancy and the worker that covers it. This segmentation of the labor market fits well with the way matching is described by the current theoretical models on search unemployment. The unemployed belonging to a given cluster have more chances of finding employment if they look within their cluster, since this cluster is based precisely on the successful experiences of employment of other workers with similar characteristics. We think that this methodology can be a powerful information tool for public employment services, since it enables us to provide every job seeker with precise and individualized information about the more conducive employment environment to finding a job.