El ideal de belleza “antiHeidi” de Annemarie SchwarzenbachTransgresiones de género y de estética en Freunde um Bernhard

  1. Guiomar Topf Monge
Ambigua: revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales

ISSN: 2386-8708

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Identidad, belleza y género en las artes

Issue: 4

Pages: 3-22

Type: Article

More publications in: Ambigua: revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales


For the Swiss women writers of the twentieth century’s first half, the character Heidi created by Johanna Spyri in 1880 remained the primary reference. At least for most of them, as recommended by literary critics of the time. However, there was a writer who did not adhere to this recommendation but rather transgressed in many ways the molds established by the tradition of German literature in Switzerland: Annemarie Schwarzenbach. The transgressing aspect I focus on in this paper is beauty, establishing continuities and discontinuities between the classic character Heidi and the character Bernhard or Berchen, created by Schwarzenbach in her novel Freunde um Bernhard (1931). Until now this novel had been interpreted as an experiment of changing gender identities. To this interpretation there can be added the one of aesthetics constructed through the gaze of the characters.

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