Evaluando competencias en la asignatura Análisis Multivariante de Indicadores en Criminología

  1. Mónica Domínguez Serrano 1
  2. Francisco Javier Blancas Peral 1
  1. 1 Univerisdad Pablo de Olavide
IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation

ISSN: 2386-4303

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 5

Pages: 14-27

Type: Article

More publications in: IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation


This proposal is part of a Project of Teaching Innovation, which is part of the Action 2 of the Pablo de Olavide University for the academic year 2012-2013. It is developed in the course of "Multivariate indicator Analysis in Criminology", in the degree in Criminology and the double degree in Criminology and Law. It shows an evaluation methodology which aims to make students capable of showing the main skills acquired, in a transversal manner, as it acquires the necessary training.For this purpose, the methodology to be followed consists of the implementation of a system of continuous evaluation in the development of a working group, in which every group must work a criminological specific database, getting to perform analyses in accordance with certain multivariate techniques, progressively. Thus, it intends that the students carry out a job that allows them to go assimilating, integrating and putting into practice the knowledge acquired gradually over the course. The specific activities to be carried out in each phase of the process, so as the assessment, tutoring system and tracking, etc., are described in the proposal. Allusion to the experience obtained after two years of implementation, as well as the needs for its improvement, is also made.

Bibliographic References

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