Tributación participativa. El caso del IRPF y la Investigación científica.

  1. Rodríguez Prieto, Rafael 1
  1. 1 UPO
Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences

ISSN: 1578-6730

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 50

Pages: 121-142

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/NOMA.53943 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences


The IRPF is one of the most important taxation tools in Spain. Through General Budgetary Act the resources are distributed to fund different expenses of the state. This paper aims to link the strong right to participate with taxation. El main goal of the paper is to propose a reform of IRPF in order to improve the citizen participation in the management of the tax. The study case focused on the possibility to set up a choice to fun the scientific research (I+D). The paper aims to justify its pertinence and evaluate the impact of such reform in the developing of strong right to participate in the management of the taxes. The paper aims to analyze its weakness and possibilities and discuss its design in the framework of the current legal system.

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