Optimality in continuous-time multiobjective optimization and vector variational-like inequalities
- G. Ruiz-Garzón 1
- R. Osuna-Gómez 2
- A. Rufián-Lizana 2
- B. Hernández-Jiménez 3
- 1 Universidad de Cádiz, España
- 2 Universidad de Sevilla, España
- 3 Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España
ISSN: 1863-8279, 1134-5764
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Pages: 198-219
Type: Article
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In this paper, we study the relationships between the Stampacchia and Minty vector variational inequalities and vector continuous-time programming problems under generalized invexity and monotonicity hypotheses. We extend the results given by other authors for the scalar case to vectorial one, and we show the equivalence of efficient and weak efficient solutions for the multiobjective continuous-time programming problem, and solutions of Stampacchia and Minty variational-like type inequality problems. Furthermore, we introduce a new concept of generalized invexity for continuous-time programming problems, namely, the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT)-pseudoinvexity-II. We prove that this new concept is a necessary and sufficient condition for a vector KKT solution to be an efficient solution for a multiobjective continuous-time programming problem. In this work, duality results for Mond–Weir type dual problems are obtained, using generalized KKT-pseudoinvexity-II. This paper gives an unified point of view for optimality results in mathematical programming or control or variational inequalities problems.