Análisis de la responsabilidad patrimonial del socio en sus relaciones con la sociedad cooperativafundamentos y límites

  1. Laura López de la Cruz
Revista Aranzadi de derecho patrimonial

ISSN: 1139-7179

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 46

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Aranzadi de derecho patrimonial


The article aim is to determine the liability required of the member of a cooperative society in Andalusia for the debts that originate in the field of action of the same. For this purpose, the different legal relationships that link the member with the cooperative society will be analyzed, in order to establish the liability regime applicable in each one of them. The proliferation of regional Acts regulating cooperative societies makes necessary to circumscribe the study to the regulations applicable to Andalusian cooperative societies, notwithstanding that, at some point, due to the interest aroused by a specific issue, we will refer to Spanish Act or to the other Autonomous Communities Acts. In order to limit the article extension, and for expository clarity reasons, we will focus the analysis on the general regime of first-degree cooperatives and from a legal perspective. Cooperatives of second and subsequent degree, as well as those cooperatives adhere to special legislation are, therefore, excluded.