Sustracción de bien inmueble en herencia de ciudadana francesa: sanciones a los herederos por simulación de compraventa. Comentario a la Sentencia TS 17 enero 2018 (RJ 2018, 166)
ISSN: 1139-7179
Année de publication: 2018
Número: 46
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista Aranzadi de derecho patrimonial
From the declaration of absolute nullity by simulation of the sale of a real property made in life between the deceased, a French citizen, and one of her heirs, this Judgment raises the existence of an assumption of inheritance subtraction («recel successoral») art. 792 french Civil Code –art.1002 spanish CC-. The Court understands that the application of this sanction to acts of theft or concealment of assets of the inheritance made before the death of the deceased and, therefore, of the opening of the succession, sanctions the heir with the legal consequences provided for in the French legal order: ex lege acquisition of the condition of pure and simple heir and loss of inheritance rights over the property stolen.