Responsabilidad civil por los daños morales ocasionados en el ámbito familiar a causa de la ocultación de la paternidadComentario a la STS de 13 de noviembre de 2018 (RJ 2018, 5158)
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1139-7179
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Zenbakia: 48
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Aranzadi de derecho patrimonial
The concealment of the false paternity of the husband by his wife is considered a behavior capable of causing harm but not being indemnified by the exercise of own actions of contract law or law of torts. The Supreme Court considers that the breach of conjugal duties is solved in the regulations about marriage through separation or divorce, but are not legally coercible with different measures. The Supreme Court does not admit the compensation of a moral damage generated to one of the spouses for breach of the conjugal duties.