La geopolítica de las bases militares VII

  1. Clara Rodríguez Chirino
  2. Guillem Colom Piella
bie3: Boletín IEEE

ISSN: 2530-125X

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Zenbakia: 9

Orrialdeak: 1121-1143

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: bie3: Boletín IEEE


This is the seventh of a series of essays that analyse the strategic value of the main military bases of the planet. In this chapter, the U.S. naval bases of Norfolk (Virginia), Kitsap y Everett (Washington) and Kings Bay (Georgia), and the Naval Air Station Sigonella/NATO Maritime Airfield Sigonella (Italy) are analysed.