El método Delphi aplicado al estudio de la contribución de las TICs en la reducción de la pobreza en Andalucía

  1. Carolina Ramírez García
  2. Julio García del Junco
  3. Daniel Cejudo Reina
Atlantic Review of Economics: Revista Atlántica de Economía

ISSN: 2174-3835

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 1

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Atlantic Review of Economics: Revista Atlántica de Economía

Sustainable development goals


Poverty in Andalusia (southern region of Spain with a population of 8.411.205 inhabitants) affects 12,8% of its population. In this context, the objective of this paper is to propose ways of reducing this situation of poverty extracted from various questionnaires to experts in the subject, following the Delphi Method. To achieve this objective, first of all, a description of the poverty data in Andalusia compared to Spain is provided; the level of use of information and communication technologies in Andalusian households is deepened; the theoretical foundations of the Delphi method are developed to finally apply the Delphi method to the proposal of ways for the reduction of poverty in Andalusia and for the labor incorporation of Andalusian university students. The experts conclude that it would be necessary to create APPs for the information and training of potential workers and entrepreneurs, both from the private and from the public spheres. They also highlight the need to make use of social networks with an orientation towards the employment relationship, encouraging the connection of companies and workers.