K. O. ApelJuegos del lenguaje, formas de vida, intersubjetividad
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1885-589X
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 12
Pages: 307-330
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista internacional de pensamiento político
Karl Otto Apel died 15th May 2017, when he was 95 years old. Perhaps he was one of the last examples of philosophers in the XXth Century that tried to conciliate theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. tarting from the Wittgenstein concepts of form of life and linguistic game, Apel proposed a transcendental semiotic to be the formal framework for the plasmagraphy of a intersubjective foundation of values supported on consensus. His proposal also served to reformulate the classical antithesis that oppose explication in nature sciences to understanding in social sciences. Relying on Wittgenstein and von Wright studied historical understanding as assumption of forms of life that happen in social institutions composed of norms that not only rule conducts, but also constitutes the institutions.
Bibliographic References
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