Regeneración Urbana en perspectiva andaluzaLos programas ARB (1996-2012)
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
- Echaves García, Antonio (coord.)
- Leal Maldonado, Jesús (coord.)
ISSN: 1696-0270, 2340-4973
Año de publicación: 2018
Número: 17
Páginas: 67-88
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Anduli: revista andaluza de ciencias sociales
Since the partial transfer of competencies in the field of housing and land, the Andalusian regional administration has launched various initiatives that can be defined as urban regeneration projects. Among these initiatives, the ARB (neighborhood rehabilitation areas) programs are particularly noteworthy. Through these programs, comprehensive actions focused on specific urban areas have included the rehabilitation of housing and enhancement of the urban environment, as well as other social measures. This article analyses development of this initiative through the analysis of the projects launched between 1996 and 2012. To achieve this, we have used programming documents of the projects and secondary data sources to do a comparative analysis of the starting conditions in the intervened areas, the agendas applied to these areas and governance networks involved in these projects. The aim is to describe the specific Andalusian regeneration model, characterized by a comprehensive agenda and its adaptability to the variety of intervention contexts.
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