La ley de emprendedores y la creación de empresasuna visión desde el observatorio GEM
- José Ruiz Navarro 1
- Carmen Cabello Medina 2
- Raúl MedinaTamayo 1
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1988-7116
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Pages: 45-61
Type: Article
More publications in: GCG: revista de globalización, competitividad y gobernabilidad
This work assesses the law 14/2013 in support of entrepreneurs and their internationalization, basing on the information provided by GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), the contributions from the institutional approach and the opinion from an expert panel about the expected effectiveness of the law. The ambitious goals of the law, that aim “a change of mind that make society recognizes the worth of entrepreneurial activity and risk taking”, justify this work, which provides interesting issues for the reflection, useful for monitoring and designing policies in support of entrepreneurship
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